Scratch Postcards - Animals World Tour
Scratch Postcards - Animals World Tour
Scratch Postcards - Animals World Tour
Scratch Postcards - Animals World Tour
Scratch Postcards - Animals World Tour
Scratch Postcards - Animals World Tour

Scratch Postcards - Animals World Tour


A pack of 10 scratch off postcards on the theme of the animals of the world!

En savoir +

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Demander un devis

This customization kit offers children a set of 10 scratch-off postcards on the theme of the animals of the world. This creative kit is an invitation to travel and to the social and emotional development of young generations. The principle of this DIY kit is simple: using the wooden sticks provided little creative people can scratch the front of the cards to reveal unique colored elements from various continents. On the back of the cards the most talkative are invited to write to compose pretty letters or reveal moving messages to their loved ones.

  • Age conseille : 6+
  • Traduction : Français, Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol, Italien
  • Dimension : 10,5 x 14,8 cm
  • Élement : Forêt, desert, jungle, Asie, Antarctique
  • Élement : 2 x 5 cartes postales / 10 batônnets en bois
  • Coloris : Coloris assortis

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