Games To Create 2 In 1 - Multi Puzzle
A pack of 60 cards to personalize 2 in 1 with a back offering a multi-puzzle game and a blank front to leave room for children's imagination!
En savoir +A pack of 60 cards to personalize 2 in 1 with a back offering a multi-puzzle game and a blank front to leave room for children's imagination!
- Product Picto : Sticker
- Traduction : Français, Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol, Italien
- Age conseille : 4+
- Dimension : 5 x 5 cm
- Élement : Recto : Vierge / Verso : Imprimé
- Élement : 60 cartes / 12 fiches puzzles
- Coloris : Rouge, jaune, blanc et bleu